Happy St. Patrick's Day!!! In this episode, we look at the life of Saint Patrick. Who he really was, what tragedy happened to him as a boy, and how that shaped his whole life. We also look how his example in his life serves as a lesson for us in 2021. 

Get ready for our 50th episode!!! For our 50th episode, my cohost Pastor Matt returns to celebrate our first year of the podcast, look at what has happened since we launched, and what is coming up in the future episodes. 

How Can Ministry Hackers Serve You?

Hey Pastor, If you want to be supported in your ministry like never before, have a sounding board to process ideas, or want to problem solve your daily ministry challenges, check out Unlimited Ministry Coaching with Dr. Brandon Pardekooper. This new approach to ministry coaching is helping pastors and ministry leaders enjoy ministry again, make a greater impact, and have time for their family and friends.

If you are not yet part of the Ministry Hackers community, join the Facebook group here.

By the way, now that we have figured out online services, online discipleship is the next step in the ministry transition we are all part of. This FREE framework shows you how to create engaging content for your online discipleship experience to impact the most people.