In this episode, Dr. Brandon Pardekooper shoots from the hip a little as he shares his thoughts and feelings about how we as pastors and ministry leaders should be responding to an issue our congregations are dealing with. He issues a challenge for us to place people first and take time to really pay attention to the fact a large number of people in our country, communities, and our congregations are dealing with grief at a level that hasn't been seen in decades. The question is, are we paying attention to it and ministering to those who are hurting. 

How Can Ministry Hackers Serve You?

Hey Pastor, If you want to be supported in your ministry like never before, have a sounding board to process ideas, or want to problem solve your daily ministry challenges, check out Unlimited Ministry Coaching with Dr. Brandon Pardekooper. This new approach to ministry coaching is helping pastors and ministry leaders enjoy ministry again, make a greater impact, and have time for their family and friends.

If you are not yet part of the Ministry Hackers community, join the Facebook group here.

By the way, now that we have figured out online services, online discipleship is the next step in the ministry transition we are all part of. This FREE framework shows you how to create engaging content for your online discipleship experience to impact the most people.