It's Monday!!!

For pastors and ministry leaders, Monday's can be a mixed bag. Some are on cloud 9 because yesterday went so well, while others are frustrated, discouraged, and perpetually exhausted because yesterday didn't go as well as expected.

What happens when more Monday's are the latter than the former? Do you feel like you can't go on any longer?

In this episode, Dr. Brandon Pardekooper defines burnout, which may be surprising to see how prone pastors and ministry leaders are to it. He also discusses the signs of burning out, and then practical steps you can take to keep from burning out.

(If you want to be supported in your ministry, have a sounding board for ideas, or want to problem solve your daily ministry challenges, check out Unlimited Ministry Coaching with Dr. Brandon Pardekooper. He is helping pastors and ministry leaders enjoy ministry again!)

Ministry burnout is a common thing and even if you are on the top of the world, a member of your team, a colleague, or a friend in the ministry may be struggling with this, and knowing how to help could mean the difference between them staying in the ministry or not.

Mindtools Article: Avoiding Burnout…Maintaining a Healthy and Successful Career

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By the way, now that we have figured out online services, online discipleship is the next step in the ministry transition we are all part of. This FREE framework shows you how to create engaging content for your online discipleship experience to impact the most people.