Previous Episode: Why discipleship is important?

Discipleship strategies have changed over the last few decades and the data reveals that what we have been doing in discipleship is not working. So, what are we supposed to do in 2024 to disciple those in our faith communities?

In this episode, we are going to look at the common discipleship tools many churches are using and why they seem to be ineffective. I am also going to reveal what the current trends in social behavior reveal about how we need to approach discipleship in order to be effective.

If you are a pastor who wants to grow your congregation, but you are tired of chasing ministry fads, then it is time to learn the 4️⃣ Levers you can pull to create growth in your church. These time-tested principles of church growth that Jesus showed 👀 us during his ministry.

⏲️ ⏲️ ⏲️ It is time to go deeper and learn the nuts and bolts of the 4 levers of church growth by joining our new membership.

➡️ ➡️ The Pastor's Growing Church Community membership is a space where pastors can learn the 4 levers of church growth and how to pull them without risking burnout.

🙋‍♂️Join the community today🙋‍♀️