Science is bringing the future to you faster every year and this requires a mind wide open

(0:45) - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance  

(5:10) - Meet the Huxleys: Evolution’s Grand Champions 

(10:15) - The Chaos Theory of Learning & Unstoppable Creativity

(16:10) - Books for Minds Wide Open: Bill Nye and Richard Feynman  

(23:45) - The Death of Doubt: Why We Pretend To Know It All 

(28:00) - The Wrong Ways To Use Science 

(31:50) - The Future Of Education

(37:30) - Episode Roundup: [email protected]

Science is bringing the future to you faster every year and this requires a mind wide open

(0:45) - Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance  

(5:10) - Meet the Huxleys: Evolution’s Grand Champions 

(10:15) - The Chaos Theory of Learning & Unstoppable Creativity

(16:10) - Books for Minds Wide Open: Bill Nye and Richard Feynman  

(23:45) - The Death of Doubt: Why We Pretend To Know It All 

(28:00) - The Wrong Ways To Use Science 

(31:50) - The Future Of Education

(37:30) - Episode Roundup: [email protected]