While Dan Ariely’s first book offered a slightly depressing view of human behavior, Payoff may change your life for the better. Please pick a time stamped topic below:

(0:20) - Dan Ariely: Predictably Irrational

(4:10) - Do first impressions get imprinted on us?

(6:30) - Arbitrary Coherence: Why do we accept anchors?

(12:00) - Are price tags anchors?

(14:30) - Dan Ariely: Payoff

(16:40) - What gets scheduled, gets done.

While Dan Ariely’s first book offered a slightly depressing view of human behavior, Payoff may change your life for the better. Please pick a time stamped topic below:

(0:20) - Dan Ariely: Predictably Irrational

(4:10) - Do first impressions get imprinted on us?

(6:30) - Arbitrary Coherence: Why do we accept anchors?

(12:00) - Are price tags anchors?

(14:30) - Dan Ariely: Payoff

(16:40) - What gets scheduled, gets done.