The current geometric rate of transmission implies that over 100,000 people could be infected by early February

(1:00) - Severe Health Crisis for China
(6:10) - A Brief History of Pandemics
(15:45) - Got DNA? Coronavirus Genome
(23:20) - In Search of a Vaccine
(32:55) - Competition: A New Science?
(43:15) - Episode Roundup: [email protected]

The current geometric rate of transmission implies that over 100,000 people could be infected by early February(1:00) - Severe Health Crisis for China(6:10) - A Brief History of Pandemics(15:45) - Got DNA? Coronavirus Genome(23:20) - In Search of a Vaccine(32:55) - Competition: A New Science?(43:15) - Episode Roundup: [email protected]