Get yourself out of The Matrix. Time to wake up.


Melissa Bates is an Angelic + Galactic Channel, Spiritual Activator, and Manifestation Queen. She truly believes in allowing the divine magic to return back to us daily by simply acknowledging we are worthy and deserving at the highest level. 

She help females heal the internal to rock their external reality by activating their soul connection, spiritual gifts, deeply align to their divine spiritual business, and manifest the heck out of their dream reality. 

She has a true passion for empowering women and encouraging them to see their true potential by helping females align to their divine soul blueprints.


YouTube: Melissa Bates

Instagram: @melissabbates_


Emily Mearns is an energy guide and spiritual alchemist who helps humans align their mind, energy, and frequency to create more impact and abundance within their lives.

She deeply believes that each individual here On this planet has the capacity to access their innate gifts, wisdom, and power to help the collective ascend on all levels.


Instagram @emily_mearns


Maggie Dong is a podcaster, healer, fitness & life coach, and channeler who helps people master their physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual fitness, so they can raise their consciousness and live with fulfillment.

Maggie's Instagram @maggiedong_

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Any questions/requests, email [email protected]