"Get out of your head and step into your greateness." - Les Brown

(I believe that's who the quote was by lol)


Anyway, today I talk about how we need to stop lying to ourselves. Excuse after excuse after excuse! SO MANY EXCUSES, just stop! Stop making excuses, stop lying to yourself.


Be honest with yourself about what you want and where you're going. Stop comparing yourself to the person you see next to you, you are your own person!


You don't have to be like anybody else, you have to be like yourself, and that is called self awareness. With self-awareness comes the knowledge of what you're capable of and what you TRULY want!



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Podcast Insta: https://www.instagram.com/plants_prs


https://plantsandprs.podbean.com/ (it's also on Apple, Spotify, and Google Podcast)


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