Are you emotionally sober?  Or are you getting drunk on fear, resentment, avoidance, and resistance?  Despite the title, this episode is FOR ALL OF YOU BEAUTIFUL CREATORS, not just those who have/have had problems with substance.  In these uncertain and fearful times, we are all prone to the desire to numb ourselves.  I'm talking about how we use all kinds of substances to NUMB ourselves to unwanted feelings about situations and people.  Through my example, I refer to my drug of choice, alcohol, as my numbing agent, but understand that yours may be completely different.  It may be food, TV, sex, anything that you use in an unhealthy way to avoid living life on life's terms.  We're going to uncover what that is for you in this episode, plus figure out what the UNDERLYING BELIEFS are behind your resistance.  

Virtually Sober Tour - If you are interested in helping out or playing on this tour to support sober musicians struggling with cancelled gigs, please contact me @steelmaggiehq on Twitter or Instagram, or email me at [email protected]

For links and more, visit and check out Episode 46 - You Don't Have to Drink to Be Drunk


"Bittersweet and bold dance pop for the minimally sane, the moderately restless, and the significantly idealistic"

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In the book of faces 🙎🏻‍♀️

The Twitterverse 🐦

The big shiny world wide web 🌎

If you found value in this podcast, please save this episode, subscribe or follow Mind Made Wrong wherever you listen, and if it moves you, share this with another beautiful creator you know.  You will give them much-needed support during this time.


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