Happy 2020 my beautiful creators!! I wanted to present this podcast episode to you as a humble offering of my gratitude for all of you and your incredible support of Mind Made Wrong in the past year of 2019.

I want to share with you where I've been, and the practically third-eye opening experience I've had. I fell off the face of the earth for exactly a month as a result of an alcoholic incident, which was completely of my own unwitting design. If you've followed me for awhile, you've seen me "come back" before, only to watch me relapse again into my old ways of thinking and behaving (and of course, drinking). I am convinced, however, that his particular event, and the events/consequences that followed it, have changed me in a fundamental way. I know this because I continue to transform in a way that I never thought I could, which I owe to sobriety and the continual renewal of my mind. And that mind is 100% blown in the best of ways.

If you found value in my story of addiction and recovery, please share this episode with another beautiful creator you know, and leave a divine rating and review wherever you stream your podcasts. Now I want to hear... 1) your vision for 2020, 2) your fears and anxieties about those (naming fears gives them less power over you), and 3) all the beautiful things you want to create this year. Let me know @steelmaggiehq on Instagram or Twitter, or email me at [email protected].   And I will see you next week on MONDAY.

Here is the VIDEO version of this episode, because yes, you would like the option: Mind Made Wrong Podcast - Episode 33