Hello my beautiful creators, would you like to experience discomfort in pursuit of your growth today?  Yes? Of course you do! This podcast episode, I’m sharing with you the simple (but not easy!) 3-step method I have been using to move THROUGH uncomfortable emotions, rather than burying them under layers of temporary “feel good” thoughts.  I also share why it is vitally important not to rush through the process of recognizing and accepting the role your thoughts have to play in creating how you feel, especially if you are someone desiring to break old and unhelpful patterns! 

So what is YOUR thought, how do you plan to accept it and the results of your thinking, and how you are going to shift it ever so slightly?  Tell me on IG or Twitter @steelmaggiehq or EMAIL me at [email protected] I want to hear from you!

If you received value from this episode of Mind Made Wrong, please leave me a lovely rating or review wherever you listen, and please share this podcast with another beautiful creator you know.  Thank you for the incredible gift of your dedicated listenership. 

For links and more, visit https://www.steelmaggiemusic.com/podcast and check out Episode 29.

Thank you Brooke Castillo for your brilliant work: https://thelifecoachschool.com/podcasts/


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