Hey Mind Body Master, 

Do your symptoms run your life?
Do you have to plan your life around how you feel?
Do you worry that eating certain foods are going to cause a flare-up for you? 
Are you taking a bunch of supplements every day? 
Are you doing all of the therapies but not seeing the results? 

Well, if so today's podcast is going to inspire you and give you hope that you can heal. In this episode, I interview one of our Mind Body Masters founding members, Brittany Bohach. Brittany considered herself a "Spoonie", now if you don't know what that means it is a term to describe people who only have so much energy to use through the day. They only have so many 'spoons' at the start of the day, and every activity gives spoons away.

When I met Brittany she was doing it all, spending thousands of dollars on treatments, lab reports, doctors appointments, you name it! But unfortunately for Brittany (and many others),  she was not getting the results she knew were possible. She was not getting the answers she was hoping for.

Healing became her full-time job, now I am sure you might be able to resonate with that.

At the same time, Brittany was avoiding doing the 'Inner Work', avoiding dealing with the stress in her life. In fact, she later realized that doing all the healing work, all the doctors, all the appointments, was a way to DISTRACT herself from dealing with the root issue.

Once she started to deal with what was going on inside her, everything started to shift. She previously had the belief that her body was broken, and that there was something wrong with her. This all began to fade away.

Sure doing the 'Inner Work' can be messy and uncomfortable, but it is always worth it.

Listen to Brittany's story about how she transformed her life and was able to not only heal PHYSICALLY but also EMOTIONALLY. Brittany is now way more calm, present, and no longer controlled by her symptoms!

This is an episode you are not going to want to miss.

If Brittany's story reminds you of yourself, its time to turn inward for solutions which is why I have created the Mind Body Masters program which you can join the program here: https://mindbodymasters.com/painsucks

Interested In This Work? Here's how we can work together: 

1) 1:1 Mind Body Consultation with Jake Currie for people in Pain: https://www.mindbodymasters.com/breakthrough

2) The Pain Eliminator - Self Study Course: https://www.mindbodymasters.com/painsucks

3) Mind Body Hypnotherapy & NeuroSomatic Release Certification - Become a Practitioner: https://www.mindbodymasters.com/certification

4) Mind Body Meditations and Hypnosis Audios: https://www.mindbodymasters.com/hypnosis-products