If you are someone who does not believe that it is possible to heal yourself, or perhaps you have given up even trying to feel better because nothin out there has worked for you in the past...

...Then this episode is FOR YOU

I am going to talk to one of our students from the Mind Body Masters Program. Jen and we are going to hear her story of how she went from a 'Hopeless Healer' someone who spent year and year living with pain and exhaustion to now being completely pain free and experiencing more joy in life, a real Mind Body Master.

We all have the ability to make this transition and heal, and Jen's story is going to show you how she did it.

We talk about:
- The old emotional baggage we hold onto from childhood.
- Feelings of being not good enough, not worthy, and hard on ourselves
- The ways in which we distract ourselves from feeling this,
- How we need to face up and acknowledge how we are doing on the inside first
- Why many people will get busy and caught up in DOING TOO MUCH
- Plus many many more

Jen's story is inspiring, it really is. I know that as you listen you will hear yourself in her story! It will give you hope that you too can heal yourself and that doing the inner work is the most important thing you can do if you want to live a pain free life and experience more joy.


Interested In This Work? Here's how we can work together: 

1) 1:1 Mind Body Consultation with Jake Currie for people in Pain: https://www.mindbodymasters.com/breakthrough

2) The Pain Eliminator - Self Study Course: https://www.mindbodymasters.com/painsucks

3) Mind Body Hypnotherapy & NeuroSomatic Release Certification - Become a Practitioner: https://www.mindbodymasters.com/certification

4) Mind Body Meditations and Hypnosis Audios: https://www.mindbodymasters.com/hypnosis-products

Mind Body Masters Website: www.mindbodymasters.com