Would be millionaires want to know.....

1. How can I get rich?
2. What’s the fastest way I can get rich?
3. What’s the secret? Is there a formula?
4. What investment should I buy?
5. I can just play the lottery and get rich can’t I?

There are not a fast way to get rich. Most people who aren’t rich believe that you have to born into a family to become rich. Not true.

There are no simple ways to become wealthly. There are many paths you can take to success. What it does take is determination and a change in the way you think about money.

Lottery winners find themselves broke because of lack of discipline and the star mentality that comes from winning the lottery.

When you win a lottery, you become public information. You name, address, phone number, pictures, videos, and how much you won all become public information. The majority of states do not allow you to claim the lottery that you won as an anonymous person. Even the amount of taxes you’ve based on the amount that you’ve won can be easily calculated.

But, that’s where the fun begins. Based on this information, you start getting phone calls, letters, and people showing up looking for you to donate their cause, or helping them with a situation they’re going through.

I used to play the lottery; but, I decided that it wasn’t the way to get rich. Nor, does it put me on the road to success.

For me it’s not about the money; but, it’s the adventure that comes with success. Success doesn’t mean money. It means that you’ve accomplish your goal. Whether that goal is becoming a millionaire, becoming a better investor, getting out of debt, owing a business, or pursuing you dream(s); it comes down to determination.

You are in control of your destiny and your life. You know where you want to go and what you want to accomplish.

The thing about that accomplishing goals, we usually are living someone else’s dream and not our own. I call it “Living someone’s else dreams”. Once we get trapped there, it seem’s we can’t escape. Then we become the person that other person want’s us to be.

Escaping is like the crab effect. When a crab tries to escape another crab will pull that crab back into the bucket. This eventually leads to the crab’s death because they couldn’t escape.

When we do finally escape, it can have a devastating effect on your life. You can’t live someone else’s dream if that’s not where your heart is and they can’t live your dream.

So what are some of the secrets of success?

A. Be consistent
B. Start a habit
C. Believe in Yourself
D. Pay yourself first (look out for you first)
Learn to say no
E. Look for opportunities
F. Never stop learning. Be constantly learning something new.
G. Be willing to take risks
H. Do not limit yourself to your current circumstances
I. Learn to overcome fear and worries
J. Become that person you want to become in your success.