In this episode, I chat with Lee Benson, CEO and author, about his journey from employee to a 9-figure entrepreneur.

Throughout the 80s and 90s, Lee played the guitar over 300 nights a year while working at an electroplating shop repairing turbine engine parts for airplanes.

After Lee's boss decided to shut down the business, Lee assumed the debt from the business and kept it running. Eventually, Lee scaled the business from 3 to 500 employees, paid back the debt, and created a 9-figure exit.

One idea Lee stress throughout this episode is that whoever creates the most value wins. The more value you create, the more money you will make.

According to Lee, there are three types of value creation: material, emotional, and spiritual. He claims that more people would impact the world if they cared more about creating value than likes on social media. 

Many people tend to rush the process of success. However, Lee states that we should enjoy the process of creating value and embrace the struggle. 

The last key piece Lee discusses is foundational readiness. Foundational readiness refers to asking yourself and your team these questions:

1. "What are the pieces we can put in place today?"

2. "What are the decisions and actions we can take today for the best future return?"

Part of an organization's foundational readiness lies in its MIND (Most Important Number and Drivers) Methodology. MIND Methodology is a single number that represents the value created within an organization.

I hope you enjoyed this episode, and let me know your favorite part in the comments below.

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00:00 Introduction to Lee Benson
01:10 Lee’s Home Studio
04:53 Music & Business
06:57 Creating value
10:34 MIND methodology
15:31 9-figure exit
19:46 3 Buckets of Value Creation
20:59 Defining an entrepreneur
25:10 Capitalism and value creation
29:44 Building his business
33:09 Trust your work
36:16 Arch to success
40:34 Lessons learned
46:52 The most important number
55:24 Where to find Lee