Kicking off Season 8 of the Millionaire Car Salesman podcast, we are joined by Host Sean V. Bradley, and special guests Malik Bronner and Kelby Peace-Bullock, who takes us through his journey of entering the automotive industry and how he conquered his initial fears and doubts. Sean V. Bradley highlights the pivotal role that mindset plays in one's success. He explains how shifting your perspective on commission-based pay and competition will allow you to not just survive but thrive in the industry.

One of the core lessons Kelby shares is the importance of product knowledge, understanding the competition, and building trust with customers. He attributes much of his success to the invaluable training and guidance he received from his brother, Malik Bonner, as well as the unwavering support of the Preston Automotive Group.


Key Takeaways:

Overcoming fear and skepticism is crucial to finding success in the automotive industry.

Commission-based pay can be a powerful motivator and provide unlimited earning potential.

Competing against oneself and constantly striving for improvement is more effective than comparing oneself to others.

Mastering product knowledge, understanding the competition, and building trust with customers are essential for success.

Developing a personal referral business and becoming an influencer in the local community can lead to long-term success.


About Kelby Peace-Bullock

Kelby Peace-Bullock is a newcomer to the automotive industry, having previously worked in customer service roles. He was initially skeptical about working on commission and the competitiveness of the industry, but after joining the automotive industry, he quickly realized the potential for financial success and the importance of building relationships with customers. 

His story serves as a source of inspiration for those considering a similar leap into the automotive realm, showcasing the rewarding possibilities that await those willing to embrace change and growth. 


About Malik Bronner

Starting at Dealer Synergy over three years ago as a call analyst, Malik “Yung Jedi” Bronner has worked his way up the ranks to the position of Performance Coach at Dealer Synergy and a Tier 1 National Trainer. Not only is he one of the top performance coaches and phone process trainers on the Dealer Synergy team, but he also hosts “The Yung Jedi Counsel,” a weekly free training session for the automotive community. 



The Journey to Success in the Automotive Industry


In the latest episode of the Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast, Kelby Peace Bullock takes center stage to share his remarkable journey into the automotive industry. A relative newcomer to the world of car sales, Kelby has swiftly risen through the ranks, proving that with the right mindset and determination, anyone can thrive in this competitive field. In this episode, Kelby provides invaluable insights into his transformation, emphasizing the importance of mindset, commission-based pay, self-improvement, product knowledge, and building trust with customers.

A Newcomer's Journey

Kelby Peace Bullock's entry into the automotive industry was marked by skepticism. Having previously worked in customer service roles, he was apprehensive about transitioning into a commission-based profession known for its cutthroat competition. However, Kelby's story is a testament to the power of embracing change and overcoming fears. He quickly discovered that the automotive industry offered not only the potential for financial success but also the chance to build lasting relationships with customers.

The Power of Mindset

One of the key takeaways from Kelby's journey is the transformative power of mindset. As Sean V. Bradley wisely puts it in the podcast, "Your mind is such a powerful thing. If you look at this like, 'I'm not guaranteed an opportunity,' that's your reality." Kelby's shift in perspective allowed him to see the immense opportunities and potential rewards in the automotive industry.

Commission-Based Pay: A Motivator

Kelby also discusses the motivational force of commission-based pay. In the world of car sales, your earnings are directly proportional to your effort and sales performance. Sean V. Bradley aptly highlights this, saying, "You might be broke one week, but the following week, you're having lobster and filet mignon." For Kelby, this incentive structure has been a driving force behind his success.

Competing Against Yourself

Instead of constantly comparing himself to others, Kelby focuses on competing against himself. This self-improvement mindset, advocated by Malik Bonner, his brother, has enabled Kelby to set personal goals and constantly strive for improvement. This internal competition has propelled him to greater heights in the industry.

The Essentials for Success

Kelby's journey underscores several essential elements for success in the automotive industry:

Product Knowledge: Kelby stresses the importance of being a master of product knowledge, akin to being "like Google." This expertise not only builds customer trust but also allows salespeople to provide informed recommendations and solutions.

Understanding the Competition: To stand out in a competitive market, understanding your competition is vital. Knowledge about rival brands and their strengths and weaknesses can help salespeople make compelling arguments for their own products.

Building Trust with Customers: Building trust is the foundation of long-term success. Customers who trust their salesperson are more likely to return for future purchases and refer friends and family.

Support and Guidance

Kelby credits much of his success to the support and training he received from his brother, Malik Bonner, and the backing of the Preston Automotive Group. This support network has been instrumental in his journey.

Becoming an Influencer

In closing, Kelby encourages aspiring car salespeople to develop a personal referral business and become influencers in their local community. By establishing themselves as trusted experts and thought leaders, they can secure long-term success in the industry.

Kelby Peace Bullock's journey is an inspirational tale of transformation, proving that with the right mindset and determination, anyone can excel in the competitive world of car sales. His insights shared in this Millionaire Car Salesman Podcast episode provide valuable lessons for both newcomers and seasoned professionals in the automotive industry.




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