In this episode, Jonathan Farber interviews Bob Lachance on his road from chancing his way through his first successful flip to creating a system that has powered over 700 transactions. Bob is a real estate investor, entrepreneur, mentor, and brand manager, who has mastered the use of virtual assistants to optimize a pipeline. In this episode, we break down topics like: finding a mentor, getting started using virtual assistants, hiring virtual assistants effectively, and more!

Top Takeaways:

Finding a mentor as a new investor- 15:00 - 17:00

Find a real estate meetup and ask around

Get the consensus on who is the best in your field of interest

Go to that person and offer to help them in any way you possibly can

After a while you will start to know enough to contribute skills and not just grunt work

Getting started with virtual assistants - 18:00 - 22:00

Make sure you know what your real estate niche is in order to determine your tasks

For wholesaling, the primary tasks are finding buyers and motivated sellers

A VA can be assigned to develop your buyers list through Facebook, LinkedIn, etc.

A VA can also be assigned to marketing tasks for finding motivated sellers

Sites including FB Marketplace, Zillow, Craigslist, or government lists or tax liens

Video walkthroughs can quickly communicate how to execute these tasks

Hiring virtual assistants the right way - 30:00 - 41:00

Hiring yourself off Upwork or other platforms can be very time consuming

Know going in what roles you need filled

Within a role you should know exactly what responsibilities the assistant should have

The more specific you are in the hiring process the more effective your VAs will be

If you do decide to hire on your own, do a systems check to ensure backup connection access

The benefit of a VA agency is that they do all the heavy lifting for you

They will often connect you with exactly the right VA for your needs

How to bring value to Bob Lachance:

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Book by Atul Gawande: The Checklist Manifesto

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