In this episode, Jonathan Farber interviews Bill Allen on his road from first dabbling in buy and hold rentals to finding his stride in high volume flipping. Bill is a Nashville, Tennessee based flipper and wholesaler turning nearly 200 deals a year with his team. In this episode, we get into topics like: breaking your barrier to real estate, how to scale to the size you want, growing your real estate business, and more!

Top Takeaways:

Pushing past failure and finding your feet - 13:15 - 17:00

Even after what may seem like an astronomical loss, success is still out there

All your sweat and effort is for naught if you give up

Keep perspective pm your long term goals, not just your first step

Don’t let your failures define your future

Scaling to the size of your goals - 30:00 - 36:00

Identify your goal and your why - mindset is crucial

Your goals can evolve along the way, but you have to set them first

Establishing your core values will help you make hiring decisions

Estimate the value of your time by your total income and the total time you worked

Identify what you’re spending your time on and write it all down

Anything that is worth less than your time should be outsourced

Growing your real estate business - 54:00 - 1:00:30

Flipping requires deals and money

Wholesaling requires leads and buyers

The easiest start is with one marketing channel

Establish a six month marketing budget

Once you’ve perfected the first channel, add another one

At a minimum, track how much money you make for each dollar you spend

How to bring value to Bill Allen:

Introductions to smarter people

More investment

Ways to expand impact

Speaking opportunities


Book by Michael S. Hyatt: Free to Focus

Social Links:


Connect With The host, Jonathan Farber Here!


Instagram: @jonjfarb


Facebook Group: Real Estate Mentorship Mastermind


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