In this episode, Jonathan Farber interviews Rachel Richards on her journey from buying her first duplex 3 years ago to retiring at 27 to live off of $15k of passive income per month. Rachel is a bestselling author and small multifamily investor in Denver, Colorado. In this episode, we get into topics like: getting through the first deal, finding deals as a new investor, managing property remotely, and more!

Top Takeaways:

How to get that first deal done - 7:45 - 10:30

It is doable to get your operation off the ground while working full time

The hustle is worth the result

If you’re passionate about real estate, use your extra time to grow better yourself

Don’t settle for something that doesn’t meet your needs

Finding deals with little experience - 14:00 - 18:00

If you want the benefit of the MLS, get a real estate license

The MLS isn’t the only route but it is possible to find good deals as an investor there

A real estate license also lets you cash in by representing the buyer

Probate leads, if approached with empathy, can also be effective

How to effectively manage property from a distance - 23:45 - 32:00

Ponying up for a quality property management company is well worth it

The headaches saved and disasters avoided will keep you at ease

Remember to always build property management fees into expenses

Even if self-managing, this will prevent worry later if things change

Use a screening questionnaire to make sure applicants meet your requirements

Schedule multiple showings at once to avoid the waste of cancellations

How to bring value to Rachel Richards:

Reviews on Amazon

Podcast connections


Book by Rachel Richards: Money Honey

Book by Rachel Richards: Passive Income, Aggressive Retirement

Book by Chandler Bol: Published

Book by Steven Pressfield: The War of Art

Social Links:

Connect With The host, Jonathan Farber Here!


Instagram: @jonjfarb


Facebook Group: Real Estate Mentorship Mastermind


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