In this episode, Jonathan Farber interviews Ben Leybovich on his road from finding his first flip while driving for dollars to running a multi-state operation of over 50 million dollars. Ben is an investor and syndicator operating syndications and large apartment assets from Chandler, Arizona. In this episode, we delve into topics like: how to scale, the best way to add value to large multi-units, driving business during a pandemic, and more!

Top Takeaways:

What you need to know to scale - 28:08 - 32:42

Remember the lessons that you gain between buying duplexes to 10-unit properties

They’ll guide you when jumping from 10-unit to 100-unit properties

Experience begets confidence

Best value adds for apartments - 37:31 - 44:39

The best time to renovate is in between tenants - in a large building every door will be empty at some point

Do whatever is necessary to lift rents

Get to a marketable condition first, then add amenities

A comparative market analysis helps break down where funds are best used

How to drive business in the time of coronavirus - 45:25 - 58:54

Take advantage of the changes being made by lenders and brokers

Building safety into your underwriting lets you sleep easy

More equity in reserves keeps you out of trouble if rents stop coming in


Book by Ben Leybovich: House Hacking: The Only Real Estate Investing Strategy You Need to Build Wealth, Live for Free (or almost free), and Make Money Through Homeownership

Social Links:

Connect With The host, Jonathan Farber Here!


Instagram: @jonjfarb


Facebook Group: Real Estate Mentorship Mastermind


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