In this episode, Jonathan interviews Na'ím Anís Paymán on his Real Estate journey in the short term rental space. A lot of businesses start with a problem you personally are struggling with and that was definitely the case for Na'ím. He has created an incredible software that automates hospitality management from marketing, bookings, and operations to scale his business along with others. In this episode we uncover topics like how to find leads, how to approach this time during COVID, biggest mistakes that hosts make, and more! 

Top Takeaways: 

Ways to find leads to manage properties: 15:00 - 17:48 

- Go to networking meetings 

- Utilize personal contacts 

- Make people aware of what you are doing 

- Go on listing websites like Zillow and Facebook marketplace 

- Drive through town for vacant and rented properties 

- Hussle and salesmanship 

Covid-19 and Real Estate stability: 22:50 - 31:06 

- Very uncertain times and when this will end 

- Disruption with the short-term rental industry 

- A wide spectrum of possibilities that can happen 

- How much risk do you take to get through it 

- People who don't have reserves or overhead will be very impacted 

- See if landlords can reduce the rents 

- Target traveling nurses 

- People usually lose money in the winter and make money in the summer 

- Spending energy on boosting bookings, work on website and branding 

- Preparing yourself when things come back to normal 

Biggest mistakes hosts make: 38:05 - 47:36 

- Where do we even start? 

- Making sure there is licensing in place 

- Putting clauses in place in case something goes wrong 

- Have the right systems in place 

- Have a payment process and make sure it is secure 

- Make sure you know what is your money and what is not 

- Need good pictures and make sure your property looks nice 

- Spend money on professional photography 

- If you don't have nice bathroom photos, no one will book 

- Get terms and conditions signed 

- Don’t re-lease check-in instructions until you know they are the right person or address to host that guest 

How to bring value to Na'ím: 

- Promoting to your network 


His website to manage marketing, booking, and operations: 

Guest Screening: 

Book: Getting Things Done by David Allen Project Management 

Tool: Asana Project Management 

Tool: Basecamp 

What Na'im is very passionate about 

Social links: 

Facebook Group: Serviced Accommodation Network (Global) 

LinkedIn Profile: 

Personal website: 
