In this episode, Jonathan Farber interviews Chris Montes on his path from using a househack to escape his astronomical NYC rent to learning the tricks of the trade in an expensive market. Chris is an expert househacker who still works a W2 tech job, based in Long Island, New York. In this episode, we dive into topics like: choosing a real estate strategy, filling units in expensive markets, getting through your first deal, and more!

Top Takeaways:

Deciding on your real estate strategy - 10:30 - 11:20

Start by figuring out what your goals are - long term wealth, rapid growth, as soon as possible, etc

The faster you know where you want to end up, the sooner you can set yourself on the right track

This will help spur you into action and negate some anxiety that comes with vast options

Filling units in a challenging market - 13:45 - 15:00

Facebook Marketplace is a vast and untapped market for finding tenants

Know that you will have to do all your own vetting since Facebook doesn’t do tenant screening

This doesn’t have to be your only option, but it can be a valuable tool in your belt

Overcoming apprehension and getting your first deal done - 17:50 - 20:00

Play to your advantages to make the process as straightforward as possible

The more you can capitalize on your strengths the better the deal will turn out

Know that it’s ok to make sacrifices if it gets you closer to your long term goals


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Facebook Group: Real Estate Mentorship Mastermind



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