New skincare trends are popping up on the internet all of the time, and it can be hard to figure out if these trends are effective, safe, and fitting for your needs. Today I’ll break down three skincare trends that caught my attention in 2020 and tell you why you can leave them behind as we enter the new year. Also, I’ll share what you can do to actually tackle the skincare issues that these trends claim to address. 


In this episode, we’ll cover: 


Jade Rollers The myths about facial massage Proven ways to protect and stimulate collagen Pore Vacuums The truth behind ‘Clean Beauty’ terminology 

Are you ready to leave one of these skin trends behind? Let me know which skin trend you are leaving behind! Take a screenshot of this episode, add it to your Instagram Stories, and tag @drnikoleta to share. I’d love to hear from you! 


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The Millennial Doc Podcast is for informational purposes only. It is not medical advice. Please consult with your physician before implementing any of the information. Copyright Dr. Nikoleta 2020.