As promised Milkcrates&Microphones is back with episode 10. Infamous gets this historic episode kicked off with This Week In Hip Hop (TWIHH) October 12, 1999 Mos Def released his solo debut "Black On Both Sides", his first record with out BlackStarr partner Taleb Kweli. Then in true McMp fashion we spark a conversation about what rappers would make good superheroes and what superheroes we think might have skills on a mic. We do a top 3 movies from our childhood, some good and some that just don't hold up now days, and kevpro swoops one of bsicc's picks. Would Preston Waters really be able to afford all that with 1million dollars? These are the kinda hard hitting topics we debate on this world class podcast. In the first installment of our local artist spotlight we listen to the music of Northern Cali hip hop band Greyspace and lead vocalist/emcee Matt Lowe. Plus you get our NBA finals predictions, freestyles, what grinds Matt's gears and song picks.