Another week in the books and we're back to bring you Milkcrates&Microphones ep. 9 the "time machine episode". In This Week In Hip Hop (TWIHH) Nonsense gets cool, maybe even Cool As ICE? Well, on October 18, 1991 the movie "Cool As Ice" was released and forgotten about just as fast( scoring 7% on rotten tomatoes) but hey we didn't think it was that bad. Its defiantly no TMNT II The Secret of the Ooze, but who is, right? That takes us into talking about ghost writers("creative partners") in hip hop and how we feel bout it. Shaggy 2 Dope takes a shot at Fred Durst, and misses badly, which brings us to the highly debated question of Kid Rock or Limp Bizkit? Some UFC talk with an audio clip of the greatest post fight interview of all time and of course we go over the mayhem that went down after a great fight between Khabib and McGregor! Do you ever wonder what your favorite rappers would sound like with your favorite band behind them?No, well we do and we did. B teaches the guys how to say supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, backwards! Plus the normal Freestyle session and crossover song picks to wrap it all up.