Join us in this empowering episode of 'Career Resilience Unleashed' as we sit down with the esteemed guest, Fatemah Mirza, a renowned expert in career development and resilience. In a world where layoffs have become a reality, we delve into the heart of career challenges and discover actionable strategies for bouncing back stronger than ever.

Fatemah shares invaluable advice for those who have faced the shame of a layoff, offering insights on rebuilding confidence and charting a course towards new opportunities. Together, we explore the art of salary negotiations in the ever-evolving job market, honing leadership skills for personal and professional growth, and mastering the art of effective networking to open doors to unforeseen possibilities.

Tune in for a conversation that blends practical resume tips, negotiation wisdom, and the importance of networking in crafting a resilient career path. Whether you're a job seeker, a professional navigating career transitions, or someone looking to enhance leadership skills, this episode provides a roadmap for rising stronger from setbacks.



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