David Carlin joins #MikedUp for an honest and uncompromising look into his amazing entrepreneurial journey co-founding Carlin Global alongside his wife Patricia. Carlin Global has literally dominated the #paymentprocessing industry for over two decades helping to bring many of the first #ecommerce brands into the online world. David and Patricia were instrumental in guiding businesses like Lucas Films, Sony Music, Time Magazine, early online dating websites, and even the first massive multiplayer games into the world of online payments.

With years of firsthand experience on the other side of the #digitalpayments industry, David is aware of the struggles other business owners faced when it came to accepting payments. What he didn’t know was just how much residual income his sales agent was making on his monthly volume. That’s exactly how David and Patricia found themselves on the front lines of the digital payments industry. Garnering a wealth of knowledge through his wildly successful e-commerce business and multiple joint ventures, David’s ingenuity and integrity — coupled with his art of the deal — make him the driving force behind #residualpayments.

In this hour, David breaks down his zero-compromise approach to entrepreneurship by examining some of the most basic, yet overlooked character traits that every entrepreneur needs to reflect on. We dive into topics such as the importance of self-examination and how your moral character is more likely to close deals than your bravado. David also addresses some of the challenges that he faced as a young #entrepreneur and how learning to truly express himself without fear of judgment was the key to unlocking his leadership potential as well as a truly rewarding life and career.


Follow David and Patricia:

Website: https://carlinglobal.com

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/residualpayments/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meetthecarlins/?hl=en

Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/dave.carlin.3/

YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAD_3VoBOzrjPJg4VZrUyhg


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Produced by Social Chameleon:



Interview Recorded via Riverside.fm


Mike’D Up! Merch:
