Behind the Scenes is a series that answers the questions burning within our hearts. It is an endeavor that looks to elaborate the Qur'an as it was revealed, ayah by ayah. Join Shaykh Abdullah Waheed and Mufti Abdul Rahman Waheed for a relaxed conversation about the Qur'an every Wednesday at 9:30 pm on YouTube and Facebook Live.

Surah A'la was a surah the Prophet SAW loved; he would recite this in days of celebration (Jum'ah and Eid) and he even recited this surah in the last prayer he led. At the time of revelation, Behind the Scenes, the Companions are being physically and emotionally abused, which causes some doubts to stir in their minds. This surah commands them to continuously praise the name of Allah SWT, showing them that even though it may seem bleak, Allah's plan is perfect.