I play a couple of clips from our webshow and the PASS interviews, and I read about my new project RTFM365.

Eric Humphries, our guest for the Webshow to be published 12/14 (ish), has a blog here: http://lotsahelp.blogspot.com/
My weekly wrapup of all things MidnightDBA-y is here: http://www.midnightdba.com/Jen/2010/12/all-things-awesome-and-midnightdba-y-1222010/
The interview with Grant Fritchey is here: http://midnightdba.itbookworm.com/VidPages/DBAsAtMidnightGrantFritchey/DBAsAtMidnightGrantFritchey.aspx
Grant's blog is www.ScaryDBA.com
The new blog coming out is Tip: Schema Qualify Objects in SPs: http://www.midnightdba.com/Jen/2010/12/tip-schema-qualify-objects-in-sps/