Author and Professor of Broadcast Journalism MARK FELDSTEIN joined S.T. Patrick to talk about Jack Anderson, one of the most important and influential journalist/columnists of the 20th Century. Not only did Anderson and his mentor Drew Pearson move the needle on so many stories and issues, but their muckraking style also put the fear of... the fear of Anderson into politicians. What happened when Anderson conflicted with a politician just as hard-nosed as he was? Richard Nixon wanted Jack Anderson dead! Feldstein discusses Anderson's history in journalism, the mentor he found in Pearson, his tough dumpster-diving-for-information style, his belief that Lee Harvey Oswald did NOT act alone, his important belief in Mormonism, his biggest journalistic mistake, the conflict with Nixon's Men, what they planned to do about Anderson, and so much more. To download the complete archives, free and unedited, go to