“It starts with compassion:” Katrina Alcorn, author of “Maxed Out: American Moms on the Brink,” on structural changes needed to help GenX women at the breaking point, a reminder that change is inevitable, and her rocker flock of urban chickens.

The post Ep 19 “Maxed Out” author Katrina Alcorn appeared first on Midlife Mixtape .

“It starts with compassion:” Katrina Alcorn, author of “Maxed Out: American Moms on the Brink,” on structural changes needed to help GenX women at the breaking point, a reminder that change is inevitable, and her rocker flock of urban chickens.

Maxed Out: American Moms on the Brink
The New Midlife Crisis for Women on Oprah.com

From left to right. Joan Jett, Blondie, David Bowie (far background), and Tina Turner.

And the song I knew would be the theme of this episode:

Thanks as always to M. The Heir Apparent, who provides the music behind the podcast – check him out here! And if you’re in the Bay Area, you can catch his new album release party on Dec 15 at the Lost Church SF – more details here.

Did you like this podcast? Check out one of these episodes to help you navigate the middle third with grace and humor:

Happiness Expert Dr. Christine Carter
Empathy Expert Dr. Kelsey Crowe


The post Ep 19 “Maxed Out” author Katrina Alcorn appeared first on Midlife Mixtape .