Midlife is fraught with stressors, not the least of which is menopause. While menopause doesn't affect each women the same, many women will experience the negative impact of menopause for years. And that sucks.

Kicking off Season 5 of the Podcast is my guest Alice Nettleingham. She's a first for the show in that she isn't a woman of midlife. Alice is in her mid-30s, she's a Certified Hynotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapist, and in her unique practice she works with menopausal women to rapidly heal their intense physical and emotional symptoms and help them to confidently take back their amazing mind and body.

A self-confessed ex people-pleaser who always did what she was told, 10 years ago Alice finally decided to follow her own path. She's had many adventures around the world - including driving from the UK to Mongolia and back in a Toyota Yaris - and believes in us all facing our fears and pushing our boundaries to reach our full potential.


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