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Middle East Forum Radio

475 episodes - English - Latest episode: about 1 year ago - ★★★★★ - 15 ratings

Podcast by Middle East Forum

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The Palestinian Authority, Victim or Victor? with Maurice Hirsch

March 28, 2022 00:00 - 36 minutes - 34 MB

The Palestinian Authority (PA) skillfully and successfully plays the victim internationally while contrarily insisting to its own subject population that victory over Israel is underway and inevitable. How does it manage to sustain these two opposite messages and what can Israelis do to puncture this unwieldy but successful oxymoron?

What Does "Just War: Theory Say about Middle East Politics with Paul Miller

March 25, 2022 00:00 - 29 minutes - 27.6 MB

The justice and morality of U.S. policy toward the Middle East stirs constant dispute. How does just war theory properly apply to the use of force in theaters like Iraq, Afghanistan and Syria? What does it say about the Arab-Israeli conflict? And about formulating a grand strategy toward the Middle East?

March 23, 2022 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

March 23, 2022 00:00 - 31 minutes - 29.4 MB

Coalition crises on Ukrainian refugee policies and agricultural reform again threaten to tear the government apart, but it remains united in disappointment at U.S. policy toward Iran.

Labeling the Palestinian Authority a Terrorist Organization: When? with Itamar Marcus

March 21, 2022 00:00 - 42 minutes - 39.6 MB

The Palestinian Authority (PA) unabashedly promotes violence against Israel, as Palestinian Media Watch has extensively documented. Children are ingrained with hatred, its television channel calls for Israel’s destruction and promotes “martyrdom.” But Israel and its allies have not taken the logical step to designate the PA as terrorist; why not? What must happen for this to occur?

Known Wolves: Federal Counter-Terrorism Slip-Ups and Need for State-Level Laws with Kyle Shideler

March 14, 2022 00:00 - 31 minutes - 29.7 MB

The FBI has repeatedly hidden the Islamist motivations of jihadis, sometimes with fatal consequences, including three in Texas alone (Garland, Fort Hood, Colleyville). What explains this persistent ineptitude? Is this just a public error or also a private one? Does the solution lie with state legislatures and law enforcement?

Islamic Studies Today: Challenges and Trends with David Cook

March 11, 2022 00:00 - 32 minutes - 30.8 MB

A solid grasp of Islamic history remains vital for understanding our world, but professors who present it in an apolitical, rigorous manner risk ostracization by their peers or being labeled “Islamophobic” by apologists. What are the implications of this dilemma? How can universities protect professors’ academic freedom on controversial topics?

March 9, 2022 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

March 09, 2022 00:00 - 30 minutes - 28.1 MB

Prime Minister Bennett has a unique role as mediator between Russia and Ukraine. Whence comes this high profile role? What are its implications? In particular, might it signal a lesser reliance on the United States?

Erdoğan Promotes American Radicals with Cliff Smith

March 07, 2022 00:00 - 24 minutes - 23.2 MB

Turkey's government increasingly supports a wide variety of Islamist groups in the West, and especially South Asian ones. Major Turkish media lionize South Asian Islamists in the United States and attack their critics. How did this relationship come about? Does it augur a new international Sunni Islamist axis?

Germany's Increasing Support of a Pro-Iranian Regime with Benjamin Weinthal

March 04, 2022 00:00 - 33 minutes - 31.4 MB

Angela Merkel once pledged to stand by Israel’s side against, stating that “for me, as German chancellor, Israel’s security is non-negotiable.” What did that pledge mean since being uttered in 2008? Has it any meaning under her successor, Olaf Scholz, especially when German governments seek strong relations with Tehran?

March 2, 2022 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

March 02, 2022 00:00 - 31 minutes - 28.9 MB

Israelis overwhelmingly sympathize with Ukraine but must keep good relations with Putin. How does Jerusalem balance its sympathies and its interests?

February 23, 2022 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

February 23, 2022 00:00 - 29 minutes - 27.7 MB

Recent actions by the United Nations and prominent NGOs have heightened the long-standing delegitimization campaign against Israel. How effective are these efforts and the responses to them?

The New Worst Deal in History with Richard Goldberg

February 21, 2022 00:00 - 30 minutes - 28.2 MB

Talks in Vienna appear to be nearing agreement on a new JCPOA nuclear deal with Iran. Three falsehoods drive this staggeringly ill-conceived negotiation: that the JCPOA was working, that “maximum pressure” failed, and that this is just a return to the old deal, not a new one. What dangers do these falsehoods pose, what flaws does the expected deal include, and what is the better course of action?

Conservative vs. Liberal Approaches to the Middle East with Robert Kaufman

February 18, 2022 00:00 - 33 minutes - 31.1 MB

From Iran to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict to Saudi Arabia to Islamist movements, Republicans and Democrats differ predictably over policy. But whence come these alignments and how deeply are they based in philosophical outlook? How consequential are they and how long will they likely remain in place?

February 16, 2022 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

February 16, 2022 00:00 - 29 minutes - 27.4 MB

How are Israelis reacting to two possible crises: a return to the JCPOA and a Russian invasion of Ukraine?

Jihadis Infiltrate Texas with Todd Bensman

February 14, 2022 00:00 - 32 minutes - 30 MB

The southern border has long been a weak point of the United States and now migrants are crossing en masse. Some seek not the American Dream, but its destruction. Some are even on the FBI terrorism watch list and have ties to al-Qaeda, ISIS, etc. Who are these migrants, how did they get to the Rio Grande, and why is the current situation more worrisome than prior ones?

Islam and Academic Myths with Raymond Ibrahim

February 11, 2022 00:00 - 30 minutes - 28.7 MB

Western academics routinely present Islam as an enlightened force for progress unfortunately stymied by Western bigotry and aggression. Where did this image come from and how did it become ensconced in universities? What truths and falsehoods does it contain? What implications does it have?

February 9, 2022 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

February 09, 2022 00:00 - 31 minutes - 29.5 MB

As the Citizenship Law is re-introduced, it exposes sharp divisions in the government coalition, leading some to wonder if its delicate balance can survive.

Iran Bombs Abu Dhabi: Why This Matters with Walid Phares

February 04, 2022 00:00 - 31 minutes - 29.4 MB

The recent attacks on the UAE’s capital by the Houthis on behalf of Iran, has deep implications. Tehran believes that, backed by China and Russia, it can escalate hostilities against the allies of a U.S. administration focused on negotiating a new nuclear deal. Are the mullahs right that Joe Biden will give priority to diplomacy with Iran over the interests of American allies?

February 2, 2022 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

February 02, 2022 00:00 - 32 minutes - 30.6 MB

PM Bennett speaks of forming a second ‘National Camp’ to compete with Likud. How likely is that to succeed and what might it signify?

Israel's May 2021 Riots: An Assessment with Sara Haetzni-Cohen

January 31, 2022 00:00 - 37 minutes - 34.6 MB

Last year’s conflict between Israel and Hamas prompted Arab riots against Jews. While private organizations mobilized to protect the innocent, the police generally kept clear, signaling that they did not want to get involved or punish the attackers. What lessons can be learned from these riots? How can the police – and Israel’s government more broadly – be convinced to change tactics vis-à-vis Israeli Arabs?

NYC Mayor Eric Adams and the Islamists with Daniel Greenfield

January 28, 2022 00:00 - 29 minutes - 27.7 MB

Two decades after 9/11, newly-elected Mayor Eric Adams’ transition team includes terrorist sympathizers and outspoken antisemites. Adams himself has cultivated close relations with Turkey’s Islamist government and suspected Turkish proxies funded his mayoral campaign. What explains the rise of Islamist political influence in New York City politics? Why has Adams’ Islamist-friendly administration failed to attract attention?

January 26, 2022 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

January 26, 2022 00:00 - 30 minutes - 28.7 MB

Netanyahu's acknowledged interest in a plea bargain deal to end his legal problems may not end in an agreement. But it has meant that Government and Opposition both act as though the post-Bibi era has begun.

Iran's Tightening Hold on Latin America with Joseph Humire

January 24, 2022 00:00 - 35 minutes - 33.3 MB

A forthcoming visit to Iran by Venezuelan dictator Nicolás Maduro brings a critical partnership into the spotlight. Tehran’s support for the Venezuelan regime has not only helped Maduro remain in power but also affected much of Latin America. The recent visit by Iran's Vice President for Economic Affairs Mohsen Rezae to Nicaragua, despite having an international arrest warrant for his role in the 1994 AMIA attack in Argentina, put Iran's brazen disregard for international justice in full disp...

Qatar's Eid Charity: An Investigation with Martha Lee, Abhinav Pandya, and Jordan Cope

January 21, 2022 00:00 - 29 minutes - 27.5 MB

Recently, the Middle East Forum came into possession of tens of thousands of leaked documents from a self-admitted “semi-government” charity in Qatar founded by a U.S.-designated terrorist. The documents reveals that Eid Charity has donated hundreds of millions of dollars to Islamists and jihadis around the world. With other organizations, MEF has researched the use of these funds. What has been found so far? What does it mean? MEF’s Washington Project Director Cliff Smith will discuss thes...

January 19, 2022 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

January 19, 2022 00:00 - 31 minutes - 28.9 MB

Israel is abuzz with reports about Netanyahu seeking a plea deal to end his legal problems. Why now? What does this mean for him? For the government coalition?

When the Middle East Studies Association Votes BDS... with William Jacobson

January 14, 2022 00:00 - 32 minutes - 29.8 MB

Members of the Middle East Studies Association will soon have an opportunity to vote whether to make boycott, divestment, and sanction (BDS) of Israel MESA’s official policy. If MESA or its institutional and individual members carry out the boycott on campuses, they may run afoul of anti-discrimination and academic freedom protections. What are the implications of this step? How can students and faculty be protected from it?

January 12, 2022 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

January 12, 2022 00:00 - 29 minutes - 27.4 MB

Could the Citizenship Law (concerning Palestinians) provoke the first major fissure in the government? Might it also, for the first time, prompt elements of the Coalition and Opposition to cooperate?

Making Islam Modern

January 10, 2022 00:00 - 32 minutes - 30.4 MB

What can be done to reverse the trend of Muslims accepting radical ideologies? By recognizing that while the Koran’s text is eternal, its interpretation has constantly changes, and this has direct implications for the Sharia (Islamic law). The reigning theology contradicts modern pluralism and so needs to be adjusted. What efforts toward such an adjustment are Muslims taking? What has been accomplished?

Ex-Muslims! with Wafa Sultan

January 07, 2022 00:00 - 32 minutes - 78.5 MB

“We are in a struggle between modernity and backwardness, between people who treat women as animals and those who treat them as human beings”; so speaks Wafa Sultan and many other ex-Muslims agree. Indeed, Muslims increasingly are leaving their religion. What causes this exodus? Is it larger than in the past? Can Muslims reform the tenets of Islam?

January 5, 2022 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

January 05, 2022 00:00 - 32 minutes - 81.4 MB

New year but old quarrels between the Coalition and Opposition. How is this affecting the challenges of Covid-19, Gaza, and Iran?

Advancing Israel Victory on the Ground and in the Courts with Meir Deutsch

January 03, 2022 00:00 - 30 minutes - 52.8 MB

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict includes a perpetual contest over rights to land. Regavim leads the Zionist fight in several ways: control of land, influence over policy, and court battles. Which are the main Palestinian organizations engaged in this battle? What are current trends?

December 29, 2021 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

December 29, 2021 00:00 - 32 minutes - 70.7 MB

2021 finally saw the end of Israel's political deadlock, but for how long? What can we expect in 2022? Will Bennett last? Will Netanyahu leave the scene? How will the Iran threat play out?

Israel Victory Project: End of Year Update with Nave Dromi

December 27, 2021 00:00 - 31 minutes - 83.8 MB

What have the Middle East Forum's projects accomplished in 2021? Nave Dromi will discuss how the Israel Victory project has gained traction in the political and military spheres through building connections with influential figures and institutions. IVP has also had success through campaigns to spread information through the use of billboards, media appearances, and interviews.

Turkey's Dangerous New Exports: Regional Instability & Pan-Islamist Visions with Dr. Jake Sotiriadis

December 17, 2021 00:00 - 31 minutes - 29.3 MB

Turkey was a solid NATO ally for a half century, 1952-2002. Since Recep Tayyip Erdoğan came to power in 2003, however, Ankara has taken a sharp turn away from the West and toward Islamism. How has the U.S. security establishment reacted to these changes?

December 15, 2021 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

December 15, 2021 00:00 - 30 minutes - 28.4 MB

What is behind the recent spate of Palestinian terror attacks on Israelis? What is the debate about it and the likely government response? Is the Opposition cooperating with the government?

Islamist Watch and the Counter Islamist Grid: End-of-Year Updates with Sam Westrop

December 12, 2021 00:00 - 32 minutes - 29.9 MB

What have the Middle East Forum's projects accomplished in 2021? Sam Westrop will discuss Pakistan emerging as a major funder and supporter of Islamism in the West in collaboration with Qatar and Turkey, and our efforts to counter its influence. He will also review the Counter-Islamist Grid’s nationwide accomplishments in counteracting Islamism at a local level through City Councils and law enforcement, along with forthcoming plans on behalf of Benjamin Baird.

Washington Project and Campus Watch: End of Year Update with Cliff Smith and Winfield Myers

December 10, 2021 00:00 - 30 minutes - 28.8 MB

With 2021 coming to an end, we offer an update on one activity of two Middle East Forum projects. The Washington Project has actively participated in an effective anti-Erdoğan coalition of Kurds, Armenians, Hindus, and Greeks. Campus Watch has focusing on winning greater transparency about the billions of dollars to universities from foreign governments.

December 8, 2021 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

December 08, 2021 00:00 - 31 minutes - 29.8 MB

Israel’s coalition government initially rejected Netanyahu’s public denunciation of the JCPOA and continuing nuclear negotiations with Tehran. But lately, the PM and FM have changed gears and adopted a more confrontational approach. Why and what does this portend?

The "Islamophilia Industry" on Campus with Richard Landes

December 06, 2021 00:00 - 31 minutes - 29.5 MB

Islamists and their allies pump out groaning shelves of books on an alleged “Islamophobia Industry” that persecutes Muslims. In fact, the “Islamophilia Industry” has come to dominate the academy to the point that scholars widely feel compelled to adopt a submissive, uncritical, dhimmi-like approach to all things Islamic. How did this come to be, what are its manifestations and goals, and where is it heading?

Biden and Israel: Whither the Alliance? with Victoria Coates

December 03, 2021 00:00 - 31 minutes - 29.2 MB

The Biden administration has been pushing a back-to-the-future policy on Jerusalem, Palestinian issues, and Iran, pretending that the Trump administration’s changes never took place. What are the implications of this shift for the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and Iran's nuclear program?

December 1, 2021 Israel Insider with Nave Dromi

December 01, 2021 00:00 - 34 minutes - 31.8 MB

The relative calm is subsiding as the Coalition faces now major differences, namely regarding ideology. Also, there is no cease fire between the coalition and the opposition. Having challenges from inside the government and outside of it - Will the Coalition be able to hold the majority?

Israeli Arabs: Accept or Destroy Israel? with Shadi Khaloul

November 29, 2021 00:00 - 30 minutes - 28.6 MB

On the occasion of the anniversary of the UN approval of the Partition Plan for Palestine, we discuss whether Arabs living in Israel accept the Jewish state. This question is the more urgent since Ra’am, an Islamist party, became part of Israel’s ruling coalition. What are current trends, where does Ra’am fit in, and what are the best policies going forward?

The Nagorno-Karabakh War of 2020: An Armenian Perspective with Aram Hamparian

November 19, 2021 00:00 - 29 minutes - 27.2 MB

The war in the south Caucasus a year ago was part of a conflict over the Nagorno-Karabakh region that goes back over a century between what are now the republics of Armenia and Azerbaijan. What are sources of the conflict, its implications, and the choices it poses for the U.S. government?

November 17, 2021 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

November 17, 2021 00:00 - 27 minutes - 26 MB

Now that the Budget has passed, ideological gaps in the Coalition are predicted to come to the fore. What are they likely to be and can the government surmount them?

Denmark, Where the Left Cracks Down on Islamism with Naser Khader

November 15, 2021 00:00 - 31 minutes - 28.9 MB

Seeking to limit radicalization and to integrate immigrant Muslims, the Social Democratic party of Demark has adopted a uniquely tough line against illegal immigration and anti-social Islamist behavior. How well are its policies working? Why has a Social Democratic party taken this position? Does Denmark’s Left provide a potential model for the rest of Europe?

Academic Boycotters of Israel Bring Their Biases to the Classroom with Tammi Rossman-Benjamin

November 12, 2021 00:00 - 30 minutes - 29.1 MB

Pro-BDS professors claim they leave their politics at the classroom door. But new research refutes such claims, exposing their how their classrooms turn into anti-Israel bastions worse than the critics feared. For example, 78 percent of assigned course readings were authored by fellow BDS-supporters. Which disciplines are the worst? What other disturbing facts are now known? What can be done?

November 10, 2021 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

November 10, 2021 00:00 - 31 minutes - 29.2 MB

Some politicians have proclaimed that the budget having passed signifies the end of the Bibi era. Is this true? What next?

The Afghanistan War: What Lessons? with Bing West

November 08, 2021 00:00 - 29 minutes - 27.6 MB

The Afghanistan war dragged on for 20 futile years. Ridding the country of Taliban control and nation-building led to thousands of American troop deaths and trillions of dollars lost when the Taliban almost effortlessly reclaimed control. What were the fundamental mistakes in Afghanistan? Do they also apply to Iraq? What lessons should be learned?

The State of Iran's Nuclear Program with Richard Goldberg

November 05, 2021 00:00 - 32 minutes - 30.6 MB

Iran’s new president is a hardliner picked by the Supreme Leader to send a message to the West: we do not need the JCPOA. Simultaneously, Tehran has escalated its nuclear provocations – enriching uranium purity, producing uranium metal, and limiting monitoring by international inspectors. Despite this, the Biden Administration still hopes to rejoin the JCPOA. What happens next?

November 3, 2021 Israel Insider with Ashley Perry

November 03, 2021 00:00 - 30 minutes - 28.1 MB

The budget has finally arrived to the Knesset floor. The Coalition just barely has the numbers to pass it. Can the Opposition stop it and thereby send Israel to its fifth elections in three years?

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