A great home remodel needs more than a good floor plan. It needs a master plan.

Having a master plan is more than pinning a bunch of things you like. It's more than having the furnace guy or the roofing guy come out and say, 'Oh yep. Your home inspector was right. Plan for a remodel.' And it's more than having a perfectly tidy, organized blueprint for your house. 

A master plan is your guide for the entire remodeling journey. It's a travel book you create for yourself to set the home update on the right track.

I believe no homeowner should remodel without one. I create a master plan for every one of my clients with my Mid-Century Master Plan Package.

It's also what I teach people to create for themselves in my Ready to Remodel program. This online course takes people through every step they need to plan a perfect MCM remodel. The community we create around the process is made up of homeowners all working through the same steps.

So sit back and close your eyes or grab a notebook. Because today we're going to talk about the hows, the whys and the whats of the master planning process.

Grab the show notes at www.midmod-midwest.com/601/.