Make sure you sign up for the Mid-Century Design Clinic by July 31st to grab the early bird pricing!  See you there!

Today’s question is actually one I don’t get asked often enough. Here it goes: How can I get started now on my fun mid-century home update plans when I have this feeling I should do maintenance before I remodel?

I don’t get asked because  way too many people assume it’s the wrong question to ask!  Is this you?  Do you think you have to take care of some maintenance and repair work first.  You should replace the furnace, get a new roof on, repair that rotted deck – before you  can do the fun things. Before you can start making your house into your home.

I understand the logic of this.  And if you are someone who likes to work before they play, eat a good dinner before desert or just generally earn their fun … I get it.  It sounds adulting and responsible home-owning 101.  

But it this case, it’s the absolutely wrong idea. 

Here’s the short version of today’s episode: Don’t let your maintenance to do list stop you from dreaming big dreams for your home.  All those inspection check list items are design opportunities in disguise!

Grab the show notes for the episode at