Finding the right Mid-Century home to make your own is an exciting challenge for a first time home buyer. To kick off Season Four of Mid Mod Remodel, this week I chat with my sister, KJ Hansmann. She is in the earliest “Zillow” phase of planning to buy a modest MCM ranch to fix up with her partner.

We’ve been talking about her house hunt process so much in recent weeks. Finally, I realized that I should capture it for the podcast. Listen in as we dish on some family history, chat about why she’s choosing to live near her work place and have some fun discussing this essential phase of any millennial’s house hunt!

In Today's Episode, you'll hear: 

An Invite to come ask me for design advice. I'm really booked up at the moment but that just means you should jump in the queue. Use the form on my services page to reach out [1:15]My intro to Season FOUR of Mid Mod Remodel and what's coming up [2:10]Our chat starting with how my sister believed she would never be a homeowner but how COVID changed her mind [4:10]How she, her boyfriend and two high energy cats have kept up two full time jobs and the kick off of her PhD within the four walls of their ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT [5:00]The great triumph of her quarantine house updating: when I talked her through mounting a black out shade using a power drill via zoom [7:15]The AMAZING murals of Banyan Bridges and how KJ is absolutely planning to get one created for her new home as soon as its hers. [8:40]Using my Ready To Remodel course content to workshop what it is they really want and identify their key deal-breakers before they even find a realtor [9:40]Various Apartment Update rules we've broken and bent in the past and howe well that's gone for us in the past. [13:00]How the "Super into Zillow" phase can help you identify what can be updated in a fixer upper and what can't be easily remodeled [13:50]One of which is the neighborhood. A little rant from both of us on the importance of walkable, well connected, socially varied neighborhoods and living where you work [17:20]

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