Want to make sure you've thought of everything when you design a ranch remodel? This easy three part remodeling framework will make sure you are covering all the bases in your MCM home update! 

People remodel for many reasons.  Some homes need pressing maintenance, others just aren't working right for their owners and still others might need an aesthetic overhaul.  

Whatever YOUR reason, it is easy to fixate on that initial impulse. Don't let that be the driver of the whole remodel project. 

If you're going to invest your time, money and enthusiasm into a remodel, you might as well get as much out of it as possible.  This simple framework will help you make sure you've covered all your bases before you get started!


How the ideas of Roman architect Vitruvius still guide designers in our analysis of good buildings. The Vitruvian triad of firmitas, utilitas and venustas reminds us to consider buildings qualities of structure, usefulness and beauty. [2:59]Learn how this three part framework - structure, layout, and aesthetic - helps you plan your own perfect remodel [5:09]A side step into more theory with a great book recommendation: ABC of Architecture by John O'Gorman. Seriously its a favorite and its only 107 pages long! [6:01]STRUCTURE: make sure you're planning for nuts and bolts of your remodel, not just the shiny finish! [7:15]USEFULNESS: a remodel should be about more than instagram pictures - take the opportunity to design a house that improves your life [8:20]Check out three handy visualization exercises to help you make sure your remodel goes below the surface of things! [9:34]BEAUTY: and a remodeled home should also be stunning. Quick tips on how to search out and catalog the best design inspo for your remodel [12:38]

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