I suspect you might be a little like me, and find yourself scrolling on social media more than you mean to these days!  This is where we catch up on news from our friends, check out all the latest pictures of the little ones in our lives, and … bask in beautiful midcentury imagery!

But if you’re thinking about any home update projects, you could be putting some of that social media scroll time to really good use by using it to effectively plan and brainstorm for your remodel.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

To make this happen you really don’t have a change to current behavior.  You just need to make sure that in addition to seeing and liking beautiful things for homes on social media you’re also capturing those ideas in a way that will allow you to come back and find them again.

Tune in for some practical tips and tricks to turn your scroll time into concrete, actionable remodel planning.  I’m serious!  

Grab the show notes at www.midmod-midwest.com/605.

Want more help thinking about your Remodel Budget

Get on the wait list for this fall’s Ready to Remodel course!!