Baby steps, my friend.  Take your remodel one step at a time and just skip right past the classic remodel overwhelm - that moment when it all becomes too much.  Planning a whole remodel at once - deciding on every detail  - is crazy difficult.  But if you focus your planning on one step at a time, you can cut the crazy in half.  

Sign up now for the  “Plan an MCM Remodel to Fit your Life(and budget)” Masterclass! 

In Today’s Episode You’ll Hear:

That you’re not alone - nearly all homeowners experience remodel overwhelm at some point but the Master Plan Method is designed to cut down on that chaosHow planning “in the wrong order” can really turn up the volume on your stressWhy I know that Dream, Discover, Distill is the right order for your home update plan and why all three of those phases come before you can start to Draft solutions to your home improvement challenges. And one more time that THIS WEEKEND is the free “Plan an MCM Remodel to Fit your Life(and budget)” Masterclass.  I hope you’ll be there!!

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