In accordance with your greatest good in alignment with the greatest good of all. This guided meditations does not have music in the background, though I'm being asked/guided to create an 8-hour sleep version with music too so stay tuned. But I was guided to leave this with a plain background so you can pair it up with different music/subliminals/energetics audios that you love played quietly in the background if you should choose.

Honestly, if you TRULY believe this is your time to shift: IT IS. You don't have to tell anyone about it. I happened to sign up to be a gineau pig in many ways, sharing my experiences first, but even that is shifting for me. I was guided to tell you, shifting is very real. I have experienced it many times, literally waking up with a different "reality" than I went to sleep. Trust yourself, you are perfect. You got this. I love you. I'm proud of you, you're amazing.

I recommend these practices too to deepen the work you're doing at this time:

Law of Allowing Channeled Energy Transmission: 

Step Into Your Power Channeled Energy Transmission:

Improve your Channeling Abilities (no matter your current level):

New Year's Ascension Meditation (timeless but channeled at end of 2023): 

If you've been following for awhile and are confused why I introduced myself with yet again another new name, I wrote a blog post for you hoping to answer any questions. I've never known my name to just be one specific thing yet in this life, maybe someday I will! For now, it's always seemingly changing. And I love it cuz it's authentically me. 

Further, the people who know me best know my name that isn't listed in the blog post, and I love that.