Do not operate heavy machinery while listening. And do not lick public doorknobs. DO sit back, relax and put on headphones to take advantage of the various echos and sound effects designed to help you deepen your experience to stay calm, safe, healthy, and centered during this time. This meditation is specifically to help you with your emotions during COVID-19.

Between social media, news, friends, family, and information coming in from a million different directions, it's easy to get wrapped up in all the ways to worry about the coronavirus, COVID-19. As I write this episode description I am in a scenic part of the northeast. It's quiet and still and rural. Most houses are at least 10 acres apart. The times I've walked into my town store this past week there were only about 5 other people inside. What I'm trying to say is that I am in a low-risk place as social distancing is already part of a way of life here. And yet, I'm still feeling the fear myself. I can't imagine what it's like to be in a city where everyone is touching everything.

I'm someone who quickly thinks I have a disease no one has ever heard of the second it's described to me. I get being scared. I'm not telling you not to be. But after you let yourself feel whatever you feel, and honor your emotion, it's time to use your tools to return to feeling calm.

After decades of ignoring my emotions, I now always let myself feel however I feel, then I use my meditation practice to return to a more peaceful state. 

Don't beat yourself up if you're feeling stressed out about this. It's okay if you are. Love and accept yourself for being stressed. It shows how much you care about yourself and the world around you!

But give yourself the gift of also experiencing calm in the chaos. You deserve it, and quite frankly you owe it to yourself.

Learn more at and gain access to a free 7-day chakra tune-up when you visit the site! 


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Read Marisa Imon’s bestselling book, Super Intense, and harness the power of your emotional intensity.


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*Disclaimer: Marisa Imon is not a mental health professional. Nothing on Incandescent is a substitute for medical advice and assistance. You take complete responsibility for your own wellbeing while listening to Incandescent - including for your physical and emotional health. We hope it serves you greatly but offers no warranties/guarantees nor expected results. Do not operate heavy machinery or take part in any potentially unsafe activity while listening. Descriptions may include affiliate links, meaning Marisa Imon may receive a commission for purchasing you make using links on her site or descriptions. You are under no obligation to purchase anything Marisa recommends.