Full Moon In Leo January 2021 Meditation, Energy Healing, Journaling + Full Moon Ritual 852 HZ - Read for access to ritual and journaling practice

If you're looking for a full moon in Leo (Jan 28th 2021) guided meditation + energy healing + journaling practice and ritual - you're in the right place!!! This channeled meditation is for ALL SIGNS, and is powerful and healing. I recommend listening any time between Jan 26-Jan 31st.

Full Moon Meditation starts at 1:11.

Keep reading for full moon energy updates, full moon in Leo ritual, and full moon journaling practice to help you make the most of this guided meditation/energy healing.

About the Full Moon in Leo:

This is a POWERFUL full moon for ALL SIGNS. This is a gorgeous opportunity to align with your truest divine YOU - you know, that eternal all wise, all knowing you - that God-like version of you. It's also a great time to practice generosity.

I always think of that Eckart Tolle quote:

"Whatever you think the world is withholding from you, you are withholding from the world."

In what ways do you feel you're not receiving generosity? How can you give it freely (with no resistance) instead? I HIGHLY recommend watching this video from Tania Gabrielle for the breakdown of the astrology and numerology of this Leo full moon if you'd like a deep dive: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p0jnJ...

Suggested Full Moon Ritual for the Full Moon in Leo January 2021:

This is the ritual I'll be practicing, as always I'm a huge fan of you creating your own rituals. YOU ARE POWERFUL!! If you have a project you've been wanting to BIRTH, use this ritual during the full moon. Whether it's a new business, a new book, a new room in your home, or a new relationship - whatever it is you can use this ritual to take advantage of the Leo Full Moon energy.

Step 1: Cleanse/clear your space. Adorn yourself (if you want - for example, I will likely select essential oils and a dress to wear). Welcome in your team of guides, angels, ascended masters, etc.

Step 2: Name that which you are giving birth to (could be the title of your book, the name of your business, or just a name you're giving to the energy of your new project). For the sake of instructions, let's say the name is Luna.

Step 3: Welcome in the highest, most evolved version of your Luna across all timelines. Ask that his/her/their energy fill the room. Really connect to the energy.

Step 4: Bask in the energy, and extend gratitude towards it.

Step 5: Ask it: "What will you have me know?" and sit for a moment in an openness to receive.

Step 6: Jot down anything you want to remember and then TAKE INSPIRED ACTION to set wheels in motion. This could be writing a chapter of your book, creating a logo for your new business, buying a domain for your website. I use https://www.domains.google.com

Normally a Full Moon Ritual involves releasing something, but the healing meditation really took you through that without needing to actually release anything specific (because it raised your vibration to where you needed to be), that said, if you feel called, a classic addition to any full moon ritual is to write down that which you're ready to let go of and (safely) burn it. Watch the fire and feel grateful for the release. (You are responsible for your own safety doing that)

Journaling Prompts:

1. How did it feel to be in the presence of Archangel Ariel? (Feel free to learn more about her here: https://www.learnreligions.com/archan...)

2. What were the flowers you lied down on? What do they symbolize to you? (Feel free to Google if you need help, but trust your gut because what it means for you might be different than what Google says)

3. What vision did you receive? What does it mean to you?

4. What else do you wish to carry with you from this experience?

The music in this meditation is composed by me, Marisa Imon, under artist name Holographic Universe. It's called Harmonious Living. Learn more here and support me in my new album launch: https://holographicuniverse.hearnow.com/

How to get at least 3 meditations every week from Marisa Imon for free:

 Weekly superhero meditations: https://www.marisaimon.com/annual-superhero-subscription


 Playlist of 50 + meditations for anxiety, stress, work, focus, etc: https://www.marisaimon.com/freemeditations


subscribing to my youtube channel:   https://shorturl.at/ekDP4  

The Incandescents, a Facebook community with weekly channeled visualizations professionally recorded: 



Unconventional meditations on the podcast Incandescent: 

Apple podcasts :https://apple.co/2VrpQRC 

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/3Azp4PNyLU76M5gsTwSs00 

Pandora: https://www.pandora.com/podcast/incandescent/PC:25326

YouTube: https://bit.ly/3auPnxo 

Deezer: https://www.deezer.com/show/733182 

Castbox: https://www.castbox.fm/channel/Incandescent-id2152107?country=us




How to support the show and get bonus meditation content on your favorite podcast app for just $5/month: go to https://www.glow.fm/incandescent to sign up!-



Marisa Imon’s bestselling book, Super Intense: https://amzn.to/2EKitvx 




Marisa Imon’s music on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4JLIFn2LRzztFwViBFf0jN?autoplay=true&v=A

Holographic Universe meditation music by Marisa Imon on Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/4JLIFn2LRzztFwViBFf0jN?autoplay=true&v=Ahttps://open.spotify.com/artist/4LrKh7tJYAdtTiBO3NtCcX#login


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/marisaimonmusicandmiracles

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/marisaimonmusicandmiracles 


The information in this video is not medical advice and should not be regarded as such. You should not rely on the information in this video as an alternative to medical advice from your doctor or other professional healthcare provider. You should not delay seeking medical advice based on your interpretation of the contents of this video.

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