Law of Attraction 101: Feel the feelings you desire to experience. You don't have to wait for a million dollars in order to feel rich. You don't have to wait for prince, princess or prinx charming to feel loved. You can feel it right now!

And with today's episode- a special TRL -style ep that was requested by a listener - is all about feeling confident. 

I share my favorite and most fun confidence hack that you can easily implement in your life to feel the feeling of confidence whenever you want. 

Step 1: Think about something you're super confident about - for me it's the fact that peanut butter is dope. I am confident that it is absolutely delicious and I can lean into that confidence all day long.

Step 2: Notice what that confidence feels like and just keep feeling it. Doesn't matter that it's about something meaningless. 

Step 3: Take take feeling with you throughout your daily activities. It's like doing kegels for confidence!

Optional step: Listen to this meditation. If you're having a hard time feeling confident, this meditation is designed to pump you up emotionally!