Join me and the Preistess of Play cofounder of EveryBody Burlesque, Sarita (aka Ms. Lavender Lovegood) as we have a very intimate chat about our experiences waking up to oneness as part of the collective doing so at this time (hi, you/me!). Clearly, there's always a further and we don't claim to have any answers, but we do claim to have fun, and lots of it. In fact, it was the number one bullet point in our "business meeting,"

Learn more about Sarita: and EveryBody Burlesque.

Below are photos, though if you're on YouTube I'll add a link to them here:

Here is the Oracle for the convo. Either think of a topic you're ready to receive guidance on and go then click on the timestamp of the symbol(s) that sticks out to you below. Timestamps only show up as links on YouTube, so go there to make it easier. Take in any sounds, words or even images that come to your imagination that stand out to you (only listening as long as your intuition calls you to). Trust you are your own best guide and that you made this guidance for you. Note, the guidance may simply be the symbol and the numbers below, it can be that easy.

🦩 - 4:44

🦄 -7:17, 3:37

✌︎ - 11:23, 6:29

🦋 - 44:41, 50:00

🔗 - 10:10, 22:22, 1:11:11

🦩- 33:33

🌵 - 55:01

🐋 - 1:09:01

🩰 - 42:39, 1:10:00

😁 - 102:00

🕵️‍♀️ - 46:59

🔍 - 0:11

🍺 - 12:39

🧋 - 9:00

🍶 - 16:01

🥋 - 18:39

🌡 - 41:50


We hope if you've been waking up to these awarenesses too (with your own brilliant language and understanding), that this feels like hanging out with your family, chatting about our very interesting nature. Here are some of the photos we mention in the recording.