How to use this as a self-guided oracle:

Get into your clear space - whatever that is for you. That still, kind, soft center you feel when you connect to your breath. Decide whether you wish to receive any specific guidance about something, or just in general.  Quickly glance at the below imagery and numbers and see what calls you. Go to that time stamp and take in the words, sounds and imagery to divine your own answer and receive your own brilliant guidance by you, for you. Listen back to the whole thing and take in the transmission to lock in new awarenesses (this last step may be different - or expanded - for you, do whatever you need to do to turn this into an activation for yourself, you can trust your loving impulses - whether it's to make yourself a special tea, or a piece of art, or to channel a poem or go in nature, trust yourself dear perfect one)


🥐 0:06-0:16

🐸 0:18-0:24

🏔 0:28-0:40


 👁 0:48-1:07

☀️ 1:14-1:44

🏠 1:50


This was a channeled song. This means, when I start, I don't know what's going to come through.  Part of it was just for me, but then when I heard this part I knew it was for us and am thankful to get to share. LOVE you.