Thomas Mauer is a Microsoft MVP and a Cloud Architect driving Cloud and Data Center transformation utilizing virtualization, Hyper-V, Azure, Azure Stack, PowerShell and Windows Server.
Follow Thomas on Twitter —
View Thomas’ Website — https://www.thomasmaurer.chMicrosoft MVP Program

The Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award is given by Microsoft to “technology experts who passionately share their knowledge with the community. “The awarded are people who “actively share their … technical expertise with the different technology communities related directly, or indirectly to Microsoft”. The MVP recognition lasts for a year and is awarded for a person’s Microsoft related activity, contributions and influence over the previous year.

The rules and guidelines to getting awarded as a Microsoft MVP are not strictly defined. The reason for this is that every Microsoft MVP contributes to the community in different ways. However, the largest key indicator Microsoft looks for when considering someone for the Microsoft MVP Award is how much impact their activities over the last 12 months have on the community.Agenda
Brad has a short introduction
Thomas gives a short introduction about himself, possible topics could include:

Where you're from
Career synopsis to date
Technical specialties
What got you into technology
And personal details you'd like to share
Brad transitions to your role as an MVP

Thomas provides a short summary
Just what an MVP is
How long he's been an MVP
How he obtained his MVP
Transition to discussing the MVP practice more in depth

Why Microsoft feels MVPs are important
How difficult is it to become an MVP
How being an MVP changed your life (if at all)
How can one start down the path towards becoming an MVP
And advice you'd like to share on the subject
Transition to where you see technology taking us over the next 10-20 years

We can discuss how we think Microsoft may guide the technology world in that time
Possibly provide insights on how people can better prepare for the changes coming
Which would help us transition to learning

Discuss the certification test you just took
We can discuss the importance of Microsoft Learning 
How has Microsoft learning helped you in your professional life?
Any advice for those looking to become certified? 
Closing out, we can transition to any questions you may have for me

I'm an open book, nothing is off limits so ask away!
After any discourse we have with further questions, we can move on to what projects you may have in the works that you'd like to share

You can also freely discuss where people can follow you
"Shout out" any other Microsoft or technology professionals you think people should follow
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Thomas Mauer is a Microsoft MVP and a Cloud Architect driving Cloud and Data Center transformation utilizing virtualization, Hyper-V, Azure, Azure Stack, PowerShell and Windows Server.

Follow Thomas on Twitter —
View Thomas’ Website —

Microsoft MVP Program

The Microsoft Most Valuable Professional (MVP) award is given by Microsoft to “technology experts who passionately share their knowledge with the community. “The awarded are people who “actively share their … technical expertise with the different technology communities related directly, or indirectly to Microsoft”. The MVP recognition lasts for a year and is awarded for a person’s Microsoft related activity, contributions and influence over the previous year.

The rules and guidelines to getting awarded as a Microsoft MVP are not strictly defined. The reason for this is that every Microsoft MVP contributes to the community in different ways. However, the largest key indicator Microsoft looks for when considering someone for the Microsoft MVP Award is how much impact their activities over the last 12 months have on the community.


Brad has a short introduction
Thomas gives a short introduction about himself, possible topics could include:

Where you're from
Career synopsis to date
Technical specialties
What got you into technology
And personal details you'd like to share

Brad transitions to your role as an MVP

Thomas provides a short summary
Just what an MVP is
How long he's been an MVP
How he obtained his MVP

Transition to discussing the MVP practice more in depth

Why Microsoft feels MVPs are important
How difficult is it to become an MVP
How being an MVP changed your life (if at all)
How can one start down the path towards becoming an MVP
And advice you'd like to share on the subject

Transition to where you see technology taking us over the next 10-20 years

We can discuss how we think Microsoft may guide the technology world in that time
Possibly provide insights on how people can better prepare for the changes coming

Which would help us transition to learning

Discuss the certification test you just took
We can discuss the importance of Microsoft Learning 
How has Microsoft learning helped you in your professional life?
Any advice for those looking to become certified? 

Closing out, we can transition to any questions you may have for me

I'm an open book, nothing is off limits so ask away!

After any discourse we have with further questions, we can move on to what projects you may have in the works that you'd like to share

You can also freely discuss where people can follow you
"Shout out" any other Microsoft or technology professionals you think people should follow


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