In this episode Jeremy Thake talks to Bert Jansen about the differences between Solutions, Scenarios and Samples in the github project and how to contribute to the Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices initiative.

Weekly updates
Integrating AngularJS with Azure Active Directory and Office 365/SharePoint, Part 2 by Dan Wahlin
How to Create List Views for Large Lists in Office 365 by Mark Rackley
SharePoint 2013: Client Side People Picker by Sohel
Sharepoint People Picker wrapped in a AngularJs Directive by Sohan Fernando
New RootSite in the Office 365 API Discovery service 
Garage Series: A developer’s view of transitioning to the apps for Office model with Ryan Dugiud

Show notes
Office 365 Developer PnP
Structure of PnP
How to get started
Community call
Videos explaining key samples

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About Bert

Bert is a senior consultant in MCS Belgium specialized in SharePoint and Office 365 implementations. During the last years he shifted his focus towards the developer side to help SharePoint Online (dedicated and multi-tenant) customers realize their goals. More in particular his focus is helping the big enterprise SharePoint customers to transform their full trust code to the app model.

He has been a core member of the Office 365 Developer Patterns and Practices as of day one and currently works on processing community pull requests, creating releases and much more.

About the host

Jeremy is a newly appointed technical product manager at Microsoft responsible for the Visual Studio Developer story for Office 365 development. Previously he worked at AvePoint Inc., a large ISV, as the chief architect shipping two apps to the Office Store. He has been heavily involved in the SharePoint community since 2006 and was awarded the SharePoint MVP award four years in a row before retiring the title to move to Microsoft.

You can find Jeremy blogging at and tweeting at @jthake.


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