In this episode Jeremy Thake talks to Chakkaradeep Chandran about the new announcements around the Office 365 tools for Visual Studio 2013.

Weekly updates
How to change the lock status of a site collection by Suman Chakrabarti
 SharePoint hosted app: How to manage DateTimeControl Picker and Format with the correct Language and Culture by Andre Lage
Working with the AppInstalled and AppUninstalling events in SharePoint apps by Dan Saedén

Show notes
Office Dev Center
Office Dev Training Center
Office 365 API code samples
Connect(); event on Channel 9
Visual Studio annoucements from Connect(); event
Azure SDK 2.5 announcements

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About Chaks

Chaks works as a program manager for Microsoft with the Visual Studio team. He currently owns the Office 365 API tooling developer experience within Visual Studio, which helps developers discover and consume Office 365 services in their applications. This involves understanding how developers use Visual Studio and build an intuitive way to consume services. Chaks assesses product opportunities and defines the required product experience that allows developers to build cloud applications that connect people, documents and enterprise data to collaborate business processes on modern devices. You can find Chaks blogging at  Chaks Corner and tweeting at @Chakkaradeep.

About the host

Jeremy is a newly appointed technical product manager at Microsoft responsible for the Visual Studio Developer story for Office 365 development. Previously he worked at AvePoint Inc., a large ISV, as the chief architect shipping two apps to the Office Store. He has been heavily involved in the SharePoint community since 2006 and was awarded the SharePoint MVP award four years in a row before retiring the title to move to Microsoft.

You can find Jeremy blogging at and tweeting at @jthake.

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