Vincent, Rich, and Kathy and their guests Clodagh and Ron recorded this episode at the 33rd annual meeting of the American Society for Virology at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, Colorado.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloRich Condit, and Kathy Spindler

Guests: Clodagh O'Shea and Ron Fouchier

Links for this episode

Viral polymer that inactivates tumor suppressors (Cell)
Mutations driving airborne transmission of influenza H5N1 virus (Cell)
Transmission of influenza H7N1 virus in ferrets (J Virol)
Ron Fouchier on TWiV #177
Photo credit: Matt Evans
Thanks to David Quammen for the title
Video of this episode - view below or at YouTube

Weekly Science Picks

Rich - No sexual transmission of HCV (Am J Gastro) 
Vincent - Made with code (blog post
Kathy - Beautiful math images (and 50 Visions of Mathematics)

Listener Pick of the Week

Jon - Advances in Life Sciences winners (YouTube) 
Dave - Adam Ruben


Vincent, Rich, and Kathy and their guests Clodagh and Ron recorded this episode at the 33rd annual meeting of the American Society for Virology at Colorado State University in Ft. Collins, Colorado.

Hosts: Vincent RacanielloRich Condit, and Kathy Spindler

Guests: Clodagh O'Shea and Ron Fouchier

Links for this episode

Viral polymer that inactivates tumor suppressors (Cell)
Mutations driving airborne transmission of influenza H5N1 virus (Cell)
Transmission of influenza H7N1 virus in ferrets (J Virol)
Ron Fouchier on TWiV #177
Photo credit: Matt Evans
Thanks to David Quammen for the title
Video of this episode - view below or at YouTube

Weekly Science Picks

Rich - No sexual transmission of HCV (Am J Gastro) Vincent - Made with code (blog post) Kathy - Beautiful math images (and 50 Visions of Mathematics)

Listener Pick of the Week

Jon - Advances in Life Sciences winners (YouTube) Dave - Adam Ruben